Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The Other Sibling

When I was pregnant with Daniel, Alyssa started showing a whole new behaviour trait - posessiveness. She was fiercely posessive over me and would cling on to me like nobody's business. Even her Papa was not spared from this realm. All hells would break loose if Papa so much as laid a finger on me. Papa thought her antics were cute, and would bug her by engaging her in a tug-of-war over me. You can imagine how she reacted to THAT. Needless to say, she did not find it as amusing.

DON'T mess with ME!!

Secretly, I was worried how she would cope once the new baby arrives. Would she be able to 'share' Mama with Little Brother? Or would she see him as a threat?

So how did we prepare our little girl for the big day? Going cold turkey was out of the question.  I realize that inevitably my whole focus of attention would shift once this little baby arrives. So we started dropping little hints. We brought her along with us to every antenatal visits, where our friendly obstetrician was kind enough to show her what her 'adik' looks like in mummy's tummy. We repeatedly told her that she has to be a 'good kakak' to her 'adik'. We invited her to pat and kiss the baby. Meanwhile, I took it easy on other chores so that I could spend extra time with Alyssa. Time stood still as we played together, read story books, sing& dance to her favourite tunes, watched her favourite Barney show over&over, and strolled in the park together. Every moment spent together was priceless, and it made us bond closer than ever before.

Now that Little Brother is here, Alyssa seem to accept the fact that she has to share Mama with her 'adik'. Though it may not all the time be rosy. Sometimes she would break into a tantrum especially when she is lacking attention, but nevertheless, I am proud with the way she is coping. And I always count my blessings that I am surrounded by family and in-laws who never fails to shower her with all the love that she needs.

Oh well, better enjoy this moment before Alyssa and Daniel teams up to create double joepardy in the house!

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