Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Welcoming Baby Daniel

Our first child Alyssa was born via Emergency C-section. For our second child,
we decided to have a go at VBAC. Despite having seen & conducted many deliveries during medical student/housemenship years, this time I was feeling VERY nervous since it would be MY turn to be the helpless patient (Gulp!).

I started having 'show' at 7am on 19th Sept (day before delivery). Then the mild contractions came, becoming stronger and more frequent as the hours go by. The pain was still bearable though, I managed to do the laundry, tidy up the house, even took Alyssa to the nearby shop to buy stationeries. By 1am that night, the contractions were strong enough to wake me up from sleep (and prevent me from going back to sleep!). Hubby did VE, but it was barely 2cm. So I laboured the whole night at home, resorting to changing positions, taking warm shower, walking like a 'lipas kudung', and back massage by hubby to help ease the pain.
Early next morning we headed to the hospital. By then I was totally exhausted from staying up all night (nope, didnt manage to get a wink of sleep during the contractions!), and the contractions were more intense (to be exact, once every 3minutes, with each one lasting about 40seconds). Since I was only 3cm dilated, we requested for an epidural to catch up on rest and hopefully, save some energy for the pushing stage. And boy, how we slept!

...Smiling in between contractions :)

At 1pm, we were awakened by the nurse for the next review. We waited anxiously while she did another round of VE. Suddenly she smiled (i remember at that time I literally forgot to breathe - too suspense!). She announced "Dah fully! U can start pushing now". Haha...

After almost 1hour of pushing, out popped our baby boy weighing a whooping 3.4kg. The first time I held him in my arms, I almost cried. He was the most beautiful thing I have seen on the face of this earth. Subhanallah, nothing in my wildest dream could compare to this overwhelming feeling of love that I felt for this newborn. Holding his fragile body next to mine, all I wanted to do was protect him from the cruel harsh world that he has just entered. Within the first hour, baby had his first colostrum feed. Allah is great. Every birth experience is different, and each new life is a blessing and miracle from Allah. 

 ....and now we're a family of four!

Welcome to our family, Baby Ahmad Daniel. Semoga menjadi anak yang soleh & permata hati Mama&Papa di dunia dan akhirat. We love U so much.

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