Saturday, June 14, 2014

To a Wonderful Dad :)

Before i was married to my husband, I noticed that he's a natural with kids. Chidren from all ages seemed to be attracted to him like a magnet. After i get to know more about him, I start to realize bit by bit that he is just the right father material. And that's when I decided that I am ready to move on to the next phase of life with this wonderful man.

When we had Alyssa, our lives totally changed. The sleepless nights, the breastfeeding woes, nappy-changing and the endless uncertatinties that we faced. Both of us had no first-hand experince on taking care of a baby, and it definitely was not as easy as we thought. 

But my husband was determined to be a hands-on daddy. During my confinement, every night without fail Alyssa would cry for hours, and only fall asleep after cuddling her in our arms. The moment we put her down, she would start screaming. To make matters worse, Alyssa had problems with latching. I had to wake up every 2-hourly to express milk to feed my baby. I was totally exhausted from chronic sleep deprivation. Compounded with hormonal instabily, I was at my wit's end. I would burst out crying for absolutely no reason. I realize I was suffering from post-partum blues. I needed help. And my pillar of strength was my husband. 

He would wake up many times at night to feed the baby and change her diapers. He would stay up all night to cuddle our baby just to make sure she sleeps. Even though the night before he was on-call at the hospital,with no sleep for the past 36 hours. Even though the next morning he has to set off for work before 5.30am, and return after 6.30pm. It was not easy, but he sacrificed his own sleep just so that me and Alyssa could have ours.

Thank you S, for being the best daddy and husband that I could ever ask for. I couldn't ask for more. We love u lots! Happy Father's Day!!